Sustain - Investment


Get Started with an investment and a CO2 Reduction

Buy 41 trees – a biodiverse mix of 8 treespecies grown using permaculture principles!

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This is what you get with this investment

A tree ownership certificate that documents that all your trees are geolocated for full transparency.

In addition to being the proud owner of 43 trees in the Amazon jungle, you will also contribute to:

  • CO2 reduction to combat climate change. The total CO2 reduction: 8.5 TON per year

  • Biodiversity improvements through habitat restoration and sustainable forest management.

  • Social impact, especially the empowerment of women in local communities

  • Ecosystem restoration, including planting endangered species in collaboration with the INIA Plant Institute. 

Return on your investment

DKK 23,600 – Investment return on the trees

DKK 12,100 – In carbon credits over the full lifecycle of your trees, starting with a gain of DKK 1,400 in year 1

DKK 35,700 – Total estimated ROI on your investment

Read the detailed calculation on the ROI on each tree. (Dansih Version).

Read the detailed calculation on the ROI on each tree. (English Version).

CO2 reduction offer - 300 ton
EverGreen - Investment
Planet & profit Investment
Climate Partner
$50.00 every month
CO2 reduction offer - 8.4 ton