Meet the local people
- the Ashaninkas
The Naranjal Community (comunidad de la Naranjal) a community of indigenous Ashaninka people who live on the banks of the Yamiria river, a tributary of the Ucayali, in the Huánuco region of the Peruvian Amazon.
According to the National Institute of Statistics and Informatics, out of a population of 31,237,385, the Indigenous people in Peru represent about 25.7%. Of those, 95.8% are Andean and 3.3% from the Amazon. The Asháninka are estimated between 25,000 and 100,000.
Ashaninka tribal societies have faced overwhelming obstacles in disputes over territory and culture against the immigrating Spanish and neighboring tribal societies. Biodiversity is the establishment of the Ashaninka way of life, so they treat this biodiversity hotspot as their natural capital. Planet-A-mor is supporting- the rejuvenation of this original method of argoforestry. This is done with respect for the Ashaninkas and led by women.
The local team in Tournavista
Our team of workers, Tech-engineers, one chef and administrators are making the actual difference in our argoforestry project. The Ashaninka people plant and care for the nursery in balance with nature.
Our local workforce has the critical knowledge tp cultivate the Peruvian rainforest. By enganging the local population, we give the area much needed economic support. If you agree with the vision of Planet-A-mor, consider making a green investment and become part of our growing community.