Climate Partner
Become a Climate Partner in Planet-A-Mor, secures a capture 24 tons of CO2 per year.
With your commitment, you buy a tree a month and make tons of Eco-wealth.
The advantages:
Every timbertree you are planting will give you an ROI on 3-4 times. When your trees have matured they will payback you investment. The first trees will mature in 6 years. The timber will be sold to the timberindustry for building houses, floors and more where timber is highly valued. The captured carbon will be stored in the timber for hundreds of years.
Apart from the financial win your monthly tree investment your investment benefits:
Carbon capture
Empowerment of women
Social benefits for the local indigenous people in Amazonas and later on in Lesotho when we plant trees there.
Animal protection
All these benefits are extremely valuable in your storytelling. As a Climate Partner you are making an impact on climate, people and nature.
You will recieve a Climape Partner Certificate and an official Climate Partner logo you can use on your website and in your mail signature.
You will also have the rights to post our stories on your SoMe as a Climate Partner. This will show your costumers and partners the impact your are doing and the movement you are a part of.